all 7 comments

[–]findmysecret 1 point2 points  (1 child)

You are of course making the assumption that Maura was the one who wrote the note to her professors....

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I've thought the same thing as well, and you may well be right. Basically, if the liquor store video date/time can be relied upon, then she probably did write the email.

Right now - I am strongly, but not completely convinced that there were two liquor store visits, one that took place on the day she left at 3:47 PM. I am open to, but want more evidence to show that the 3:47 PM visit could have taken place the day previous.

If so, I am very open to looking into the idea that someone else wrote the email. There are other factors to consider however. The first searches for accommodation in Vermont took place after midnight. There may be other proof points to work through before I personally will accept the idea that she was subordinated as early as just after midnight.



[–]BonquosGhost 0 points1 point  (3 children)

I also find the note left behind somewhat "suspicious", along with the email to professors. What better way to bide time away for a murder, than to tell everyone that you will be "gone" for a week? The crash in NH was either unfortunate in their plans or..........?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children)

What better way to bide time away for a murder, than to tell everyone that you will be "gone" for a week? The crash in NH was either unfortunate in their plans or..........?

All that remains is to explain what happened in the context of the evidence.