Erinn Larkin puts the hearsay and conspiracy theories related to Rausch's phone records to rest with her latest post:
The Infamous Missing Page 9 - Part 2: Mystery Solved
October 8, 2018
After my last post about the phone records, I asked Bill Rausch if he might be able to track down the “missing” page 9 and he was nice enough to take the time to find the 14 year old records and send them to me along with the following remarks:
"Fourteen years ago I sat at a computer in the haverhill police station and printed out a complete set of cell phone records that belonged to Maura and me. I had been told by police that it would take days to receive copies via a subpoena sent to cellular provider. As the last page came out of the printer at the police station, I handed them to an officer.
Recently, I read a blog post about the same phone records and spoke with the author of the blog, Erinn Larkin. She asked me if I still had a copy. After locating the phone records, I’ve provided Erinn a complete copy without any redactions.
While the police have had these records for 14+ years I hope this will spark new interest in the case and help people focus less on conspiracy theories and more on Maura.
Everyday for the past fourteen years I’ve wondered if we would ever find Maura. Despite the number of years since we last saw her, I truly believe that if enough good people work together we will find answers. I plan on doing my part and I hope you can to. #FindMaura" - Bill R.
As you can see, page 9 does not list any calls. It’s a summary page containing minute totals. Like I said before, these cell phone records were provided to Helena Dwyer Murray by Sharon Rausch. Helena shared them with John Smith and John Smith shared them with a certain blogger. In other words, the records were passed along multiple times, which means page 9 could have been “lost” at any point along the way. So not only did page 9 fail to reveal any incriminating evidence, but the entire premise that Mrs. Rausch had purposefully withheld it is based on an assumption that may not even be true (it could have just as easily been an inadvertent oversight by Helena or John).
Point being – attaching dramatic assumptions to a handful of disjointed ideas, and then using those ideas to invent a sensationalist narrative, is not “true crime investigation.” It’s quite literally the definition of fiction.
The Infamous Missing Page 9 - Part II: Mystery Solved
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