all 62 comments

[–]BonquosGhost 7 points8 points  (7 children)

Problem here?.....Her timeline (?) of her story puts her as arriving at the store at about 7:05-7:10 as she says at 7:00 she was walking on her way there....In the store for "30-45m"...SO inside the store until either 7:35-7:50 or 7:45-8:00......YET she says she saw the police AND ambulance go by WHILE she was in the store, so I'm saying it's the later time here as to seeing BOTH vehicles, as the ambulance wasn't toned out until 7:52 (??).....If Cecil came from that direction, which seems logical, then he did NOT arrive at the earlier time that Art and Maggie suggested 7:35....correct? It appears to be the 7:46 official arrival time, and then he toned out the ambulance within 5-7 minutes? Do I see this right? This is why she notices both pass by while being inside??.....

[–]Devlyn99 4 points5 points  (5 children)

She said after she arrived at the store, "20 min or so later, the PD went flying by" heading TO the accident.

She says she is in the store until her friend closed it up at 8:00, then started walking home. The ambulance & state police officer stopped to talk to her at Bunga Rd. as they were leaving the accident scene. https://imgur.com/3fJ6aZ1

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Problem here?.....Her timeline (?) of her story puts her as arriving at the store at about 7:05-7:10 as she says at 7:00 she was walking on her way there....In the store for "30-45m"...SO inside the store until either 7:35-7:50 or 7:45-8:00......YET she says she saw the police AND ambulance go by WHILE she was in the store, so I'm saying it's the later time here as to seeing BOTH vehicles, as the ambulance wasn't toned out until 7:52 (??).....If Cecil came from that direction, which seems logical, then he did NOT arrive at the earlier time that Art and Maggie suggested 7:35....correct? It appears to be the 7:46 official arrival time, and then he toned out the ambulance within 5-7 minutes? Do I see this right? This is why she notices both pass by while being inside??.....

I confess that I didn't even notice that she had times involved. I'll look later today. It will be a while. Dentist.

[–]DownEastDetective 1 point2 points  (4 children)

How far is the store from the crash site? As in how long do you think to walk it? Curious

[–]BootlegPass 5 points6 points  (3 children)

Almost exactly 1 mile.

I bet it would take her about 10-15 minutes.

[–]DownEastDetective 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Thank you~ I was born in Claremont and fascinated by this case and why so many won't talk?

[–]BootlegPass 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yankees playing cards close to the vest is all I can say.

[–]yasmine_v 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Maybe there is really nothing else to say other than what has already been said. It does not have to be complicated.