Pathetically incomplete, I just haven't got to this yet.
Prenote: It is unreasonable to assume that Maura never left Amherst - and therefore, was not present at the accident site. On the other hand it is possible that she never left Amherst - but several unreasonable assumptions must be accepted for this to be true.
A number of factors related to this possibility are discussed at the bottom of this link:
List of sources of post departure facts, designed to describe Maura's actions. Specifically:
- Actions Maura is known or believed to have taken.
- Actions other people took as a result of Maura's actions
This set will be specific facts. I may add general facts to this thread, after I enter the specific facts. Or I might have a different thread. (I might find a better description for the categories "specific" and "general".)
Example of a specific fact vs general fact.
A specific fact is a specific event that can be associated with an exact or closely approximated time.
For example, sunset on February 9, 2004 was 5:41 PM. (source Google)
A general fact is a known condition that best characterized as being true (or false) based upon a conglomeration of evidence that allow a conclusion a be drawn.
For example, "Family Members Believe Maura Was Abducted" is a general fact.
The following posts will list a fact about the case and where the fact came from. This will be a work in process, the list made first and sources added as time allows. If a purported fact is not listed, its either of the following reasons:
- I didn't think to add it here yet
- I can't find a newspaper article, source document to back it up.
I might not finish this.
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